The Iwelu Consultation Group’s AFRICAN-AMERICAN PROJECTS (AF-AM), is an economic-spectrum mechanism designed to enhance the positioning of Bronzeville, and to sustain a propagation of the Bronzeville’s brand beyond the American shores, through the promotion of socioeconomic empowerment for the Bronzeville youths (and other interested persons).
Bronzeville is a chronological home of the African-Americans since 1916, and one of the frontline economic-beacon in America. Bronzeville hosted the nation’s first African-American owned bank – BINGA STATE BANK, daily newspapers – CHICAGO DEFENDER and CHICAGO BEE; and was an epicenter of entertainment, intellectualism and the emanation of many significant personalities.
The youths are arguably the future-glory of every community. As such any meaningful economic growth in nation’s building would lean and capitalize on the fastidious strength of the future – the YOUTHS: and Bronzeville host a great strength of modern economic future in her youths.
The Iwelu Consultation Group’s AFRICAN-AMERICAN PROJECTS (AF-AM) are a combination of social and civic economic-wheel that will usher-in the enhancement of global development in Bronzeville’s community, through empowering a generation of young leaders (and other interested persons).
Below are some of our summarized-introduction of AF-AM’s immediate projects. For collaborations, support partnerships and conjunctions towards activating the AF-AM’s immediate projects, contact us.
AF-AM Youth Rights of Passage Program
It’s a proxy assistance program to the African-American communities. In helping build self-esteem and cultural values in these youths to help negate the effect of negative peer pressure and mental health pressures.
It’s designed to expose them to the larger world and challenge them to big dreams and positive living.
The reinforcement of understanding the symbiotic nature between youths and law enforcement relationships is greatly emphasized. For the sake of normalcy.
AF-AM Alternate Vocation:
This initiative will address the issues of alternate vocational opportunity for challenged African-American youths. Assisting in directions leading to legitimate business branding for the individuals or group.
AF-AM Juneteenth Celebration
An annual celebration of the African-American struggles and freedom. Emphasised in a Monumental institutional presentation
AF-AM Globalization Initiative:
An intercontinental economic collaboration of the Global AF-AM community. Enabling a conducive environment for gathering and building their socio-economic capacity, interaction and recognition..
AF-AM Theatre Revival
Revival of Broadway and Great African American theatre with focus and engagement of the AF-AM millennials and BLM generation.
AF-AM Storytellers
An intercontinental economic collaboration of the Global AF-AM community. Enabling a conducive environment for gathering and building their socio-economic capacity, interaction and recognition..
AF-AM Brunches
In celebration of the inter-connectivity of global African consciousness. It’s weekly bread-breaking brunch program, themed around Afrobeats, Salsa, Reggae, R&B, Soul, Poetry and Hip-Hop.
A social network/get-together that will comprise of food that represents the musical themes, Socio-Economic-Literacy discussions, marketplace and music, i.e. Bronzeville Brunches.