About us

IWELU CONSULTATION GROUP (ICG) LLC is a Chicago based Limited Liability Company that provides intermediary brokerage services in various areas; and utilizes ultra-multicultural events, creative/visual arts, entertainment, information-technology/support services, academy award of merit, stage productions, artspreneurship trainings and exhibitions to promote cultural heritage, exchanges, engagements and business development for the advancement of the African-American communities.

ICG is a consortium of creative strategic human-spectrum that also serves as a digital platform designer, web/mobile app service conceptualizer and a marketing-communication-bridge.

As an African-American creative brainpower community, ICG helps implement systemic policies that reposition client’s brand ideas; creativities, events and services that want compelling lead in their market share. It helps define and activate client’s experience of their ideas; budding creativities beyond their reach; managing events that staples long-lasting experiences; and services that culminate into brand loyalty and revenue generation.

ICG’s commitment to deliverables, is premised on the ability to produce new ideas, invent novel solutions that go miles-beyond-the-extra of its expected business target, helping to deliver economic value 10-times more, than the initial investment made.

Company Profile

Propositional Connotation:

IWELU CONSULTATION GROUP (ICG) LLC, host a global symbiotic creative strategic human-spectrum that generate ideas to suit, create deployment plans to deliver on point, discover new leads to marshal-out directions, proffer solutions and possibilities that crystallizes our creative intelligence into your bottomline – service and revenue generation beyond your breakeven point.


The ICG team’s work-experience spans over 20 years of symbiotic and combined service deployment, with a start-up from a micromanaged directorate in Chicago, into a transformed growth of result-oriented multifaceted work teams, partnerships and established units across the globe. Over these years, we have rendered services that cuts across diverse spheres of business sectors, including from concept development to project supervision; and from activated execution of projects to sustainable management.


To become an African-America one-stop creative brainpower community, with highhanded professional services that outstrips the global leading consulting services, also engineering the advocacy for social inclusion at all levels.


To go beyond the limits in providing the bridge linking clients to solutions; ideas to development; trainings to budding human capital; events to sociocultural/socioeconomic exchange promotion; concept development to life impartation; with all elements of dominating creative dispense locally and globally, tailored towards prosperous economy for the Africa-American communities.

Passion: We exploit the full gamut of creative deployment, intelligent personnel and productive man-power across the globe, to deploy gold-crested services.